Purple Table PLLC

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Keep showing up....

You’re still here little blog spot….Facebook…Instagram….Linked In (😳). I will not apologize because last time I did include a warning that this wouldn’t be a regular thing but I didn’t think it would be years. Work, family and lots of LIFE has been happening, just not a lot of ‘creating’. I guess the craziness will continue but the show must go on so here I am. I though it was apropos to come back on at one of my favorite times of the year- Tapping World Summit Time. Right now it’s going on and I forget what year it is for them, but for me, it has to be about 12 or 13. I was first introduced to tapping late one stressed, sleepless night. Upon trying the Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T./tapping) I thought well this is nuts! Anyone who knows me, understands that has never stopped me before. I tried it, and - well - fell asleep. It showed up a couple of more times and the language they were using was so familiar to me: trapped emotions, piezoelectric effect, processing emotions creating pain and DIS EASE in the body. I even heard someone in the tapping community mention MYOFASCIAL RELEASE (faint). It was a technique, simple but powerful, helping so many to heal themselves…..hmmm…where have I heard that before??

I wanted that tool in my tool box. So I dove in and that is where my tapping story began. I actually started the learning process with the Ortners (The Tapping Solution), Lori Leyden, Carol Look and some of their programs. I was heartened to learn that, at that time, this amazing organization’s home base was in Sandy Hook, CT where there just was a horrific tragedy. They were offering this amazing work in this community and I went there to learn. We tapped together on these grounds, where so many gathered to get news that no parent should receive. Sad and mournful as it was to be there, I remember them stressing how we were a part of ‘healing that space’ as they prepared to build a new school. I met and was inspired by such incredible people, learned so much and felt honored to be a part of their healing (and was well rested, on an awesome Snoopy pillowcase, thank you Aunt Amy & Uncle Anthony!). At this time I was also in the infancy of my essential oil journey. I had chosen doTERRA already but this community sealed that deal. I remember getting goosebumps as they shared stories of the generous donations from doTERRA to Sandy Hook in their hour of need and how those oils were helping them heal. Families were making diffuser necklaces, and they were helping kids to be able to go back to school after their experience. This is where I belonged, I followed my heart and it led me once again where I needed to be.

I found myself a qualified practitioner to work with and I was amazed at my results. For me it was a miracle, a solution to a problem that I thought had none. It’s not a ‘magic pill’ but it’s a beautiful way to approach our bodies that, much more often than not are reacting in ‘fight or flight’ mode. That reaction is there to protect us, but we don’t need the same kind of protection all of the time. We can invite it in and say ‘thank you for protecting me’ , [tap] and send it on it’s way. When it’s tuned down, doors open, pain shifts and that’s the magic. That is when we can see the opportunities and the answers that weren’t available to us before - because of the worry, stress, dis ease, beliefs, etc.

I love having this tool literally at my fingertips! I made tapping a part of my practice for those that would like to use it. Each year, mostly at Summit time, I get to hear the growing research and continuous benefits of tapping. It was just in the past couple of years that Clinical E.F.T. was recognized by the APA (American Psychological Association) as an evidenced-based treatment. Although, many organizations have recognized that it’s benefits are equal and in most cases surpass other techniques it’s extrememly exciting to get the nod from the APA, as this can lead to making it available to so many more. As this recognition came into light I decided to complete my certification in Clinical EFT so that my experience is formally recognized by all of the powers that be. So for a limited time with Purple Table, you can book a session, at no cost, while I complete this process.

And that is how some of my amazing toolbox grew. I continue to love what I do, whatever the tool I’m using. All of the amazing people I’ve worked with, children and adults alike, I appreciate you and how you’ve been along with me for the journey. I look forward to what’s next!

💜 Over 10 years ago I lost a cousin way too soon. Shortly thereafter I started to offer complimentary tapping in our community to our children, through H.U.G (Hope Under Grief) for J.J. Any child struggling (kindergarten through young adult), whether it is test anxiety, body image or just fear of the flush in the kindergarten potty, I will tap with them for as long as they like and I am able. This has extended beyond our community at times and will continue. 💜

Art by: J.M 11 yrs